Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well, you might think by seeing all those daggers and thorns, that I mean unTOUCHABLE. OUCH!
What I really mean is the price. Until this week, this plant was out of reach...another type of OUCH!
For two years I've watched this plant go down in price. It was 36.00 US at one point!
It was $20 this past Spring. But I had already purchased enough plants and I had to pass.
Then it happened; 50% off! But off of what starting price?
Usually the table is filled with rejects. But not this time. This time it held 4 or 5 of my beloved Bovis!
For agave collectors, Agave bovicornuta holds a special charm.
Rather than the regular single set of teeth, Bovi has a double row.
And as it gets older and bigger, these will get more pronounced.
I've really started paying attention to what types of clay pots I use for special plants. Hope you like it!
And, hey, who needs a bulldog when you can just guard your house with a bunch of these. LOL
The details: Agave bovicornuta means cow horn agave. It is from the higher mountains of Mexico and grows in rocky terrain beneath pine and hardwood forests. That means it can tolerate a bit of frost; perhaps down to 25F. It also means that it might bleach out in full sun. Not all agaves HAVE TO HAVE FULL SUN. In fact, this one would appreciate some dappled shade under a high tree canopy. I have a number of these types of agaves and they thrive and grow just fine in shade.
Well, that's it for today. Happy Hunting. Oh, and the price?
Gee, I almost forgot.
It was $4.00 US.
Not bad.



  1. Nice acquistion for your collection David. The price is nice too.

    The stylized plant on the lovely pot resembles an agave so it works well.

  2. What a great bargain, David. As my Dad used to say, all things come to him who waits. Look forward to see your agave mature and those 'teeth' become more pronounced.

  3. Ah thank you for the sun tip! I put mine in full sun earlier this spring and it hasn't been happy.

    Nice plant, even nicer price. Good haul!

  4. That is a lovely price for a great plant.

  5. $4, fantastic price! I just bought one a few weeks ago and like you I was attracted to its shape and form, and unique teeth!

  6. I really like the pot too. I'm glad you got the right plant at the right price to put in the right space. Job well done. : )

  7. Nice score, David! I haven't seen those Agaves at my Lowe's ... wish I had!

  8. Bargain basement. I wish I could find the parryi for that.

  9. Good 4 U

    I miss Agaves, I'll have to bookmark this blog. I once visited your Houston area some years back in the 1990s and was amazed at how sub-tropical it really is. My impression from before was "Home of Houston Oilers, must be dry dusty and lots of oil fields"

    Hmmmm what a pleasant surprize. Visited spring Tex just next to it.

    The closet I come now to Agaves and Prickly Pear that I grew up around is when my wife & I leave Sweden for the Canary Islands.

    Thanks for the story here David



  10. $4 is a score, all right. Cow's horn agave, right? It's a beauty?


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana