Monday, June 18, 2012


Well, here it is! I'd love to have this Vinca in my garden!

I am certain it would look good with all the purples, lavenders, pinks, and yellows in the garden, but I can't find it. Nobody has it for sale!
Has anyone grown it yet? It is a 2012 AAS winner. (Photo is from their website)

Today I went to Buchanan's Native Plants to take photos of all the Vincas in the Cora Series.
I'm putting them in order of what works well in my garden, but all are nice.

I took home a Titan Icy Pink. It has a frosted appearance and a deeper eye. Gorgeous!

The solid red is wonderful.

Another great one! Compare this one one with the new AAS winner at the top and you can see why I'm excited about 'JamsNJellies'.
'Deep Lavender' is currently the deepest purple readily available.
It's definitely a keeper. 

Polka dot comes in both the Cascade Series and Titan Series.

Strawberry was new and very few were open.

Cora Apricot is also very nice.

Here's Cora White.

Cora Pink

Cora Violet
Cora Red on the left and Cora Burgundy on the right.

Cora Burgundy
Cora Cascade Cherry. The Cascade Series drapes over and is intended for hanging baskets and planter boxes.
And the last one..Cora Cascade Magenta.
Before you head out today, I'll show you some other plants and features of Buchanan's Native Plants here in central Houston.

The sign gives you a hint of all you can see here. There's also a greenhouse.

I couldn't resist one of these sunloving coleus. I bought only one, but wanted all of them.

A colorful display in their bungalow gift shop.

I already have actual raccoons in my garden. Maybe I should buy them a friend!

What's a group of owls called? A Hoot of Owls?

This place is only 5 minutes from my summer job. I could visit every day!
Maybe I will.
My other two favorite plant shops are also 5 minutes away. I'll post about these as well.
It's going to be a great summer. :0)
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Was Buchanan's in existence back in the '90s? If it was, how did I miss that one? I'd love to go there. And now I know what the name of my plant is, Vinca. I didn't know. But, all I've got is the white one and wouldn't it be nice to get some of those other colors. So pretty!!

  2. So many lovely ones David. I really like the Icy Pink and the deep purple one. I would plant those two beside each other. Pretty. I have the rascally coons too so now statues of them here. Pesky critters always tearing down my bird feeders. LOL!

  3. I like periwinkles. They're reliable. AND...the deer don't eat them. Things deer don't eat, are becoming some of my very favorite plants.
    That Icy Pink is really a pretty color.

  4. Wow, that vinca color is really amazing. We have some vinca colors here too, i love them because they can tolerate neglect and dry season. Besides, they can produce some new colors on their own because they are cross pollinated, i just don't know of those hybrids you showed here. Like Pentas, we get a few new colors from the seeds that emerge on the ground naturally, maybe from among themselves.

  5. You'll probably scream when you read this but not only did I see Jams and Jellies today, but this afternoon I had to pull out a bunch of vinca I planted a month ago. I thought the soil would drain well enough to keep them happy, but they just kept turning yellow. They looked pathetic. I was really frustrated because I was excited to have a huge patch of vinca in my front garden. I ended up saving a few patches that were happy and filling the other spaces with lantana. But my vinca in a pot is super happy. You just might have to take a trip to VA to get your vinca!

  6. Love the sun coleus container. I'm impressed you only walked out with one. The colorful foliage gets me every time. Vinca I don't love so much due to an unfortunate summer landscaping internship, but the purple might just change my mind!

  7. Thanks for providing the ID for vinca. I've all of them but do not their names. The is raccoo simply cute.

  8. I'd already put Vinca Cora on my wish list from your previous post, and now another vinca to add to it. Not available in the UK yet, but there's always next year.

  9. Hi David, A nursery that close to my work would be a financial disaster for me. I'd be there every lunch hour eyeing the plants to such a degree that people might start to think that I actually worked at the nursery.
    I must confess that I have never grown vinca, but your post has me seriously intrigued. It comes it quite the wide color range. Love the deep plum! No wonder you went searching for it!

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I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana