Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I teach on the kindergarten hallway so each year I get to enjoy all their art work. Here are views of Spring through the eyes of 5 year olds.
We have our happy flower vase for starters. Wouldn't you like these in your garden?

Here we are playing under a tree on a sunny day. Gee...wish I could do that.

And wouldn't this be a nice butterfly for your garden?

Guess what this is? That's right, precious rain!

A beautiful blue flower made by one of our talented children.

Here's an entire garden complete with a giant ladybug.

More pretty flowers with clouds.

And finally, doesn't every Spring need a lovely rainbow?

Maybe these pictures will cheer up my grumpy old tree. I can detect a faint smirk.
 It's probably kin to the mean apple trees in the Wizard of Oz.
That's it for today.
Happy gardening from David/:0)
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Those are some seriously talented kiddos! It's so sweet to reflect on how refreshing children's art is. Thanks!

  2. David, delightful drawings of future gardeners. Yes, the tree has a little chuckle, quite happy with its lot!

  3. Cute drawings! I love how colorfully young children see the world.

  4. Awww ... I love this post and the art! Thanks for sharing, this put a huge smile on my face today!

  5. I love all those cheery pictures! Even of the grumpy tree trying not to laugh . . .

  6. Sweet drawings! Love the happy vase and that fat ladybug!

  7. Dear David, You made my day with the pure, innocent artwork of the very talented kindergarteners in your school. Oh, how I miss them since I retired! P. x

  8. Very cute!
    Poor tree, maybe he is just misunderstood and needs a hug?

  9. Cute! Reminds me of when I taught Pre-K. I was always so impressed with their art. Too sweet!!!

  10. Love the children's art!
    Maybe grumpy old tree will be happier now that he has his sunglasses on! Or maybe you should set a kid's wading pool close by and give him a fishing pole!
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  11. I want the first picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, shoot, I love them all but that one really speaks to me!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana