Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The beautiful, the talented Ocean blue morning glory on trial for...
ATTEMPTED MURDER! The trial continues...



For the Prosecution (representing the Human Gardener who accuses this vine of attempted murder!)

Human Lawyers:
 Dear Jury, Please note the following comments against the accused.
Deposition #1. Holley, a wonderful Texas Gardener who usually likes all plants calls this one "Eeeeevil" and 'evil, evil, vine."
Deposition #2. The countries of Australia and New Zealand have published papers on its take over personality. New Zealand despises the plant and wants it eradicated.
Deposition #3. And a member of Dave's Garden says, and I quote:
  " I wanted to add that this one is not the usual morning glory. It is a plant from h***. It also does not set seed but spreads from runners. It roots every time it touches dirt.

These runners can go forever looking for soil to root in and then it sends out 5 or 6 runners from there. Over and over again until it covers a house or a canyon, choking all plant life it encounters. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ITS PRETTY LOOKS! And do not think you can control it. I swear it has a brain. "
But...but...I'm so pretty! I'm just a vine, not a murderer! I actually LOVE trees!

For the defense (Morning Glory Lawyers)

Dear Jury,
Please note the following comments in defense of our client:

One of the finest growers in the nation says this about wild morning glory:

"Where winters are mild, this plant can completely shroud a small metal shed or outbuilding and transform it into a romantic vision popular among Victorian and cottage gardeners."

Another fine grower says this:
FREE SHIPPING Ipomoea acuminata Blue Dawn is a beautiful electric blue perennial morning glory vine. This plant is a pure joy for the gardener who wants almost instant coverage. These vines will give you a spectacular display from early Spring right on through the Fall.

And finally, my dear jurors, isn't a picture worth a thousand words?
Who could deny its beauty in a cottage garden?
image from two sources: USA & FRANCE (not sure who to credit)

The defense rests for today.

Seems like the score is a tie. 3 for and 3 against
We'll have a one week recess as the prosecuting attorney collects material evidence.
In the meantime, I issue the following  RESTRAINING order on Ms. Morning Glory.
She is restricted to growing only on the fence until further notice.
Court adjourned.
The beautiful morning glory that's taking over my garden's  fence and trees.

Thanks for stopping by. I'll post pictures of the scene of the crime next time.
And thanks to Indie at Red House Garden for the idea. There seems to be a garden humor crime spree taking place in her garden at this very moment!


  1. I woke up this morning mourning my Rambling Rector. My garden used to be a dense cave of leaves and flowers but so many things have had to go (for different reasons) it's now a boring blank. It'll be alright between knee and shoulder in the summer but eye-level and above - it's gone. I like jungles. I like the convolvulus that grows here and smothers plants in the wild. I expect I'd like this too. I could cover my shed with it!

    (Though a bit uncertain of climate. I think, if it grows in France, it would probably be ok. here. My husband says it won't. (I've just shown him.) He's the morning glory enthusiast in the family so either he's right - or he's in a bad mood. Time will tell!)

    1. This is a perennial morning glory by the name Ipomea indica or Ipomea acuminata. It's the tropical big brother of the little morning glories in those cute seed packages. I think it would even come back from a hard freeze in a zone 7 or 8 garden. It loves sunlight but hates shade...probably the one thing that controls it in my shady garden. I think it would grow in England, but it would behave itself. David/:0)

  2. Well, that picture is lovely. I could almost be persuaded to put it in my garden based just upon that pic. BUT - that commenter from Dave's garden is exactly right - it can not be controlled. Even the comments from the defense, if you read between the lines, shows the truth - "can completely shroud" "almost instant coverage". I've found that shopping for plants is almost like shopping for a house - you have to know the 'lingo' first! But, it is very pretty!

    1. Yes, I agree. And isn't it strange the very qualities we love...fast growing,heavy bloomer,drought tolerant,insect resistant,beautiful foliage...are the very reasons this plant is so potentially invasive.

  3. Can't wait for the next episode. Will there be a surprise witness? :D

  4. David, Back in the day…when I was a much younger gardener, I grew this vine. I think it took me a couple of years to realize I was in terrible trouble. Then maybe a few more years before I out rid of it. It still makes me cringe when I see it in the wild or in other folks yards. I know all plants have a place, but this one lost it place in my garden.

    1. Dear Lucy,
      Now I'm really scared. This vine started from down the fence line many years ago and has been in my yard for 3. This is the first time it has asserted itself. Am I in a cage with ferocious lions when all along I thought they were cute, little kittens?
      I've only had this feeling twice before; once with Clerodendrum bungeii and once with running bamboo Phyllostachys nigra.

  5. We lived with a rambling rector rose until it took the roof off our shed. It was expensive to have it put back on but I still miss the profusion of flowers and the wonderful scent - so much, I keep wondering whether to sacrifice the new roof to a new rose! I am not a great morning glory fan - not a fan of blue! - but my husband likes it a lot. If he wants the glory, I'd be glad to cover the shed with something jungly. It looks very bare at present. That ipomoea is thornless is something in its favour. That its blue is as deep as it is is a bit offputting in my books. I'd prefer something more delicate but . . .

  6. Gotta love Davesgarden! Great choice of expert witness - they are usually the best source of info for things like this!

    You might have to rush the trial with the way this is sounding - looks like the defendant is quite speedy with its hostile takeovers! Good luck :)

  7. Ok I am totally a novice gardner. (if it thrives on neglect it loves me. no insecticides ever, might get water if my husband waters the grass, occasional random fertilizer, random pruning) But I love morning glories. I had a vine (someone else had planted)at a house where I lived in my 20s - still missing them. Now late 50s. So now I am living in a rent house with the only trees being those that belong to neighbors. I have a seed packet from home depot and am thinking of planting. The seed packet picture looks just like these but I'm not sure of the variety.
    Given the above facts, it seems like an excellent choice for me! (Houston)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana