Sunday, March 18, 2012


All this packed into one tiny flower. The sound of all my neighbors mowing their lawns kind of spoiled the moment. I wondered what beautiful things they were shredding to pieces?
I'd at least pick a few to put in a glass in a sunny window.
I once watched a city crew mow down an entire field of wildflowers because it was on their mowing schedule. Didn't even leave them long enough to reseed.  And it included the Bluebonnet, our state flower!
Here's to the little things in the garden...and to the big things (like gardeners) that protect them.


  1. Sometimes it's the little things that matters! :)Great pic!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, but times...they are a changin' and we can all be an example to the neighborhood.
      I'm just glad I don't have a paranoid home owner's association telling me I can only plant from a certain list of plants! Believe it or not it happens. Weird, huh?

  3. That is a great shot!

    You're many things going on, in one little bloom. Beautiful...

  4. Isn't it sad that people don't see the beauty around them? I could hardly believe it yesterday when a little boy stamped on a bee and his mother actually praised him... The gardening community is so wonderful because they take the time to appreciate everyday miracles x

  5. I thought most everyone knew to not mow down bluebonnets, but the dayflower is on my 'wish I never saw this plant again, ever' list. It's invaded my garden, and while it is pretty, it's almost impossible to dig up! Great macro shot!

    1. Hi Holley,
      Mine stay behaved in the shade, but I know what you mean. They do get a bit take overish in better soil and sunlight.

  6. Hey there blogger friend. Listen, I don't know if the storm will hit you but we've just had two days of intense rain and snow here. A surprise before spring. If it's heading your way, you may want to move all your tropicals back into the shed. Tonight I had to cover all my subtropical plants up.....oh and the fruit trees....they all have blossoms on them. I thought I'd give you a heads up. Hopefully you'll miss out on the cold stuff.

    1. Thanks for the heads up!
      They say strong winds and possible hail or tonado damage, but with lows near 51 degrees for the next 2 days.
      I have trees, so I'm not too worried about hail getting through the branches.

  7. Your site is a very lively site. Please don't put any depressed news of people mowing wildflowers :-(.

    1. Hi KL,
      Once you get over 50 years old, you start to think of things differently.
      I now say things like, if I don't call the city, who will? Who will stop people if I don't?
      I called the Mayor's office on this issue and they were horrified. I even sent photos! It hasn't happened since! So, there's some good news to balance things out. Yes, I to be about 98% positive on my blog. Thanks for your comment. David/:0)

  8. Beautiful macro photo.

    Regards and best wishes


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana