Sunday, February 19, 2012


It's a doozy meaning it's so packed with information and gorgeous photos, you'll hardly be able to lift it. :0)
Holley at Roses and Other Gardening Joys invites gardeners near and far to share their favorite gardening book on the 20th of each month.
This month I've picked one of my all time favorite design books:
This is one of those books where you read a little and say, 'Hmm, I never thought of it like that'.
I LOVE the illustrations and this book has hundreds to drool over.
Besides excellent text and photos, Scott & Lauren Ogden have 37 plant lists with hundreds of plants for difficult areas. My favorite; dry shade for southern gardens.
Their writing style contains personal stories of plants, gardens, and both good and bad experiences with garden design trends. I like that.
 This is a large book, almost the size for a coffee table. I leave mine out just to flip through when I need some inspiration.
Published in 2008 by Timber Press, I think you will enjoy a copy, especially if you garden in the West and enjoy the look of native grasses mixed with other perennials.
A special note of thanks to the gardener who gave me this copy:
Cindy at From My Corner of Katy...a fabulous gardener and friend.

All for now. Visit the other books at Holley's website.
She's over on my favorite's list as well.

back cover design


  1. Looks a freat book, David, especially for your part of the world.

  2. It seems very interesting and the cover photo is great!
    I love books full of illustrations and inspiration!
    Thanks for show us.

  3. I have this book and concur that it is fabulous, inspirational and extremely useful, full of luscious photos. If anyone missed it, here is one of the Ogden's appearances on Central Texas Gardener with Tom Spencer:

    1. Thanks for the link. This helped me find another one with their actual garden. Wow!

  4. The cover photo on this one is enough to get me to buy the book!

  5. This book sounds helpful as well as inspiring. You had me at 'plant lists for dry shade'! I like that they included some bad experiences, too. Sometimes, those are what we learn from best! Thanks so much for the review, and for joining in!

  6. A book for....lovers of plants, nature, and gardens...I'm sold! Thanks for sharing this :)

  7. I have this on my request list from our local library, although I'm certain it would be valuable resource to own. Thank you for sharing information about the book!

  8. I like the idea of having the list of plants. So many books about garden design neglect to include assistance in that area....seems like a great read.

  9. Thanks for the information. The back cover pictures are indeed something to drool over. How I wish my front garden would look like that, but I know it will never .

  10. Hundreds of plants for difficult areas! I have to read this book - my yard is full of different kinds of difficult areas! Thanks for the recommendation!

  11. I just thought all gardeners have to get a hold of this book. It serves it purpose pretty well and can be a great guide for rookie gardeners.

  12. I have Lauren Springer's first book The Undaunted Garden and it really changed my the way I think about gardening. I should check this one out, too.

  13. I enjoyed this book, also, especially the lovely photos - as I recall, of gardens in Austin and Fort Collins? Such talented gardeners they are!

  14. I used to be buried in gardening books; At the moment I am free from temptations...this one looks very interesting and big!

  15. That looks like a book I'd actually like to buy! I keep missing Holley's deadline. Argh! Going to have to keep that title handy! THANKS!!

  16. I love this book too and reviewed it in 2008 -- -- if you're interested in another perspective.

  17. What a lovely idea. I've been thinking for a while about getting some gardening friends together for the occasional day working in each other's gardens, perhaps with lunch thrown in. It's much more fun to garden with other people, I think.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana