Monday, February 6, 2012


Does it bother you to throw plants away? I can't stand to throw even the smallest cutting in the compost heap. I think most gardeners are eternal optimists and think any 'ol sprig will grow if given the chance. That's how I felt about the sage stuck in some pots with spent annuals.
Sage leaves have such a beautiful color.

Here's what it looked like in August when freshly potted.

Here's the whole collection of heat loving plants.

Yuck! And here's what I had at the end of the season. I decided to give the sage another chance.

Ah, that's better. The other plants are gone and the sage looks hopeful.

I snipped back the sage and made a little bouquet for my wife. The purple flowers are from Aechmea gamosepala.

I used some more of the sage for cooking.

Here's the pot of sage now in the flower bed.

And here's another shot blending in with Rosemary and a nifty Aloe. It's growing quite well and ready for another year. Salvaging sage was the right decision.
The 'Berggarten' variety seems to hold up best to the heat and humidity of zone 9 gardens here in Texas.

Hope you try some sage soon. It's a great little accent plant and lovely herb.

Salvia officinalis


  1. I like the idea of a bouquet for your wife. With P the cooking photo would have preceded it...have you ever tried them in a very light batter? Yum.
    I cut our sage plants back hard every year and although they look terrible for a while they go on from strength to strength.

  2. It upsets me to throw old plants away too. No wonder my borders are bursting at the seams. I used to grow sage several years ago. Might try some again now.

  3. I have some sage as well but I can't really figure out which of our local dishes it goes best with.

    I know what you mean about throwing away plants. I want to save even the ones that don't look good.

  4. Glad you salvaged the sage! What a beautiful display it makes lined up in pots. And the bouquet - I bet it smelled fabulous! Love those little purple flowers in it, too.

  5. Very thrifty! I need to add sage to my garden. Keep thinking I will make an herb bed; perhaps I should just aim for a sage pot.

  6. You've convinced me that I need to find a corner somewhere in my garden for sage!

  7. hey love the do not smoke poster.

  8. Gardeners are optimists, I like that! I love that first photo, feels like I could reach out and snip off a leaf.

  9. Thanks for the tip about the Bergarten variety of sage. I tried sage here briefly, but the humidity soon put paid to it. You have inspired me to try again.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana