Thursday, February 2, 2012


It was a risk to add this low wall to the very front of our garden. But, after studying the photos, it's the look I've been after for a long time. I'm about half way through the project. (See next post to see part I)
The stone wall accents this Agave stricta.

A new Helichrysum that can take temps from 105 down to below 0! I'm excited to find another silver plant in this genus and now I'm curious if there are more. The information states that it is a subshrub from Asia.
Ornamental plant enthusiast Tom Fischer in Portland, Oregon has some of the best information on Helichrysum thianschanicum. See link below:
Once the gravel is added (Phase 3), the project will be complete. I like this Agave 'Sharkskin' contrasting against the stone wall.

Another Helichrysum in a pot. They can grow from rooted cuttings, but it is not the easiest plant to propagate.

I'm giving everything some room to grow, so the spacing looks odd at this point. The carpet grass is going away soon. The large agave in the front is Agave sp. 'Mr. Ripple'.

A silver leaf Buddleia is on the other side of the wall. I found it today marked down to $5.00 and there are 3 plants in the pot. It's already putting out new foliage. It will have purple blooms.

A closeup of the Helichrysum. It resembles a lavender plant in some ways. I can't grow lavender here due to high humidity levels.

The larger picture. This bed is next to the street. To the right is a larger Aloe bed that gets a bit more shade each afternoon. The small variegated agave below Mr. Ripple is called Agave angustifolia variegata.

This is the other front bed. It is nicely established and has been growing for about 3 years. Since we have had a frost free winter (so far), the purple Lantana has not ceased in its lovely cascade of blooms.
 And to imagine, it is now time to cut it back! I like the old saying, "Leave well enough alone." I'm not cutting it back until it stops blooming. Fairy moths love the blooms.

Well, that's phase II. Thanks for joining me.


  1. They are some NICE looking rocks and make a great background to your Agaves. I think they'd be car proof as well - or at least they wouldn't run over them twice.

  2. The Agaves do look great in front of your new stone wall. They complement each other nicely. I love all the rocks scattered around as well.

  3. love the stone wall, it really makes your agaves shine :)

  4. I was thinking the same thing as Missy while reading your post.

    At least the wall should do some damage to the next moron that runs through your yard. Please post a picture of the broken axle or oil pan :)

  5. That stone wall really does work with the Agave. They look as if they were meant for each other, which they obviously are.

  6. I love the tumbled stone wall and your new plants. The silver foliage is so pretty and looks wonderful along the wall.

  7. The soft grey tones are beautiful, and I like the way you add rocks around the plants. Looks very nice. Can't wait to see the results this summer.

  8. I like your wall. It's all looking good.
    I like the Helichrysum. It's a nice airy plant. I had one...but, the deer ate it. Yep...another one of those 'deer resistant' plants bit the dust.

    Looking forward to seeing how the bed comes along.

  9. I love rock walls and pretty much rock anything in the garden. The Sharkskin Agave looks fantastic with the rocks around it. It's too bad rocks are so expensive here - they add so much to a garden!

  10. That stone wall really sets off your plants quite nicely. And I learned some new plants! I'm so jealous of your lantana, though! It will be huge and gorgeous this summer since you didn't have to cut it back this year!

  11. David, that's going to look fabulous when you complete phase 3. It looks pretty darned good now!

  12. It looks beautiful, David. I love the stonework!

  13. Stunning photos and a beautiful blog. BTW, I love your agave plants. Beautiful! Perhaps one day I can have one.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana