Friday, January 20, 2012


Hopefully to your garden! Seriously, I hope they also take you to my friend Holley and her new Garden Book Meme. It's the first of the series, so get in on the ground floor. See that cool button over there >>>? Click it when your're done with this post. which wonderful, fantastic, inspirational garden book shall I start with?

Let's follow this garden path and see if the book is there....nope, not here.
(My backyard ~ Spring 2008)

Maybe the book is down this pathway.
Nope, still no book.
(My garden ~ Spring 2008)

Hey, a clue! Someone's been working on this path.
(My garden ~ Summer 2011)

Another look, but still no book!
(My garden ~ Summer 2011)

A beautiful woodland path, but the book is nowhere to be found. Maybe, I've lost it!
(Houston Arboretum ~ Summer 2009)

While I go look for the book, you all can enjoy the beautiful pathways.

This is kind of nice. Wish it were in my backyard. (the path, not the restaurant)
(Berry Hill Restaurant ~ Houston Heights, Texas ~ Spring 2009)

Hey, here's the book! I found it.
By: Hazel White
Photography: Matthew Plut
Published: 1998
Notes: This is a small, practical, how-to book containing beautiful photographs (though small), and lots of text. I think the best part of the book is the exploration of 'why' different types of paths set different moods.
There are chapters on the moods created with brick, gravel, lawn paths, stone, and concrete. It's very well written and thought-provoking.
It's got a lot packed into a book of 118 pages.

But before you go out and buy the book, would you like to follow a few more splendid garden paths?

The McNay Art Museum tropical garden ~ San Antonio, Texas

Another pathway at the McNay. Are you drooling yet? I am.

With fabulous art, beautiful gardens, and spacious parklands around it, it is definitely worth a look.
You could even take one of your NEW GARDEN BOOKS along and read it while you sit there taking in the view.

So you see, a garden path can take you just about anywhere.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks, Holley, for the fabulous new MEME.
To get a peek inside the book, PATHS & WALKWAYS, click on the link below:


  1. Old san antonio. takes me back. the mcnay that is.

  2. What a cute post! Thought you were leading us down the wrong pathway there for a minute! ;) I would love this book, I think! I have been contemplating what type of pathways I want, and how to make them, and could use some inspiration. This one is going on my list! Thanks so much for joining in!

  3. The book looks great - I enjoyed how you reviewed it, great post!!

  4. My garden area is way too small for a path - makes me appreciate, even more, your images. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I lose myself in those steps yard!
    It's great to see new ideas for my garden!

  6. Nice photos. I bought that book at a used book store a couple of years ago with plans of making the sculpted concrete "stones" on page 104. Those plans never materialized and I installed decomposed granite paths instead. I am happy with my choice, except that small granite pieces get caught in the treads of my shoes and find their way into the house.

  7. I enjoyed the walk through those garden paths and the book looks like one I could use. We have an area in the back for a pathway that the dogs designed for us, but they are long gone. (RIP) Perhaps this summer I will start on that little project. Thank you for the book recommendatioon!

  8. Lovely photos, and I especially love those of the McNay. My garden is fairly small, so there isn't much room for beautiful sweeping paths, but I am working on a mosaic stepping stone project that should look fun once they are finished and finally in place.

  9. I adore paths and walkways in gardens and loved looking at your pictures! Paths can give such ambiance to a garden. Thanks for the recommendation!

  10. I so enjoyed my walk down many a garden path to this book of paths. Paths offer so much mystery and interest in the garden. This book will certainly help my husband and I create some much needed paths.

  11. Fun, fun, fun.
    The last book I reviewed was the Amy Stewart poisonous plants book, and I panned it...

    After seeing your book interpretation, totally suggests possibilities!

  12. Paths are hard to create. I'm working on now; maybe I need that book!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana