Thursday, November 24, 2011


Ho Ho Ho or should I say HOE HOE HOE...It's BLACK FRIDAY in the GARDEN.
Black is good...for business AND for the garden. Let's see what I've got that's black.
For starters I have a black hoe.

I have black seeds...these are from Four O'Clock plants.

I have a black chicken that's taking a siesta in my arms.

I have rich, black dirt and really rich, black compost. The chickens love to help out.

I have black water tubs for rainfall. BTW: We are finally having normal amounts of rainfall for the first time since January! This water is for my larger trees.

And finally, I have black patterns on these peacock gingers...Kaempferia 'Shazzam' and Kaempferia 'Brush Strokes'.
Now with all that, why should I go shopping? I think I'll stay home and enjoy the garden.
Thanks for stopping by and happy shopping.
David/ :-)


  1. So Texas has lots that could be described as black gold. I see.

  2. Hope you had a great day with your family!!! I am sure stuffed from all the food. Now we get to enjoy the next 3 days away from school....and then our finals begin!!:( I love your black Friday ideas....very creative twist. Those chickens look very happy.:) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  3. I'm with you, David. Why on earth go out into the mob to buy things we don't really need when we have better things at chickens, plants, etc. I like your black Friday :)

  4. No need even to go to the garden center? ;) I'm thinking I could use more plants with black foliage!

  5. I'm glad you spent Black Friday in the garden. I did the same. However, it is now Saturday and I must venture forth!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana