Monday, October 24, 2011


Today I went out in the middle of our playground for an activity. From the picnic grounds, our school's field looks like just a field of grass. So you can imagine my surprise when I found these.  Take a look!
I think it's a tiny purslane similar to Florida purslane. Isn't that a nice color?

This is a groundcover called Sida. It is in the hibiscus family. Watch your step!

As a kid, I enjoyed touching the leaves of this member of the mimosa family. It's common name is sensitive plant since the leaves fold up as soon as you touch them. I wish I knew the Latin name.

Don't the hairs on these flowers remind you of snow? I have this 'weed' in my garden as well. It's quite pretty up close. Anyone know the name? The stems feel sticky when you pull them up. (Oooops! LOL)

And good old Crow Poison pops up just about anywhere. It was out there as well, but this one is from my garden.
Visit our fantastic host, Lisa, at for more surprises.

And where you step! LOL
David/ :-)


  1. Cool shots. So true that there are many beautiful flowers that get stepped on!

  2. I have not heard of Crow Poison - it's very pretty!

  3. YOu are correct, the little pink flower is Portulaca pilosa. It appears in the fall and can carpet the area with pink. Love all your little flowers and I do think crow poison is a horrible name for that little onion. It has a delightful flower.

  4. Yes, I have crow poison EVERYWHERE!!! I love sensitive plant. Hadn't seen one in a while. As a child, I was always mesmerized by the way it would curl up its leaves after touching it. I like those little fuzzy balls, too.

  5. What a gorgeous collection of flowers from beneath your feet. Yes, You really need to watch where you step. My favorite by far the ground cover hibiscus. I wish we had the temps to be able to grow them here. Lovely captures with so much cloor and detail. genie

  6. The third photo of the mimosa is the pudica species. You'll find it on the internet. Love the photos. Such beautiful flowers!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana