Saturday, September 10, 2011


Yesterday I visited Cindy at My Corner of Katy and was delighted to see hummingbirds in her beautiful garden. She's got one of their favorite plants in bloom ~Turk's Cap.  Today I saw a hummer in my yard, but due to the drought, I have no red flowers in bloom. So, during this emergency, I fall back on making some quick soda can hummingbird feeders.
My first customer...a honeybee.

Cut an upsidedown "U"  shape about 1 inch (2 1/2 cm) from the bottom. Make 3 of these around the can.

Push in the metal so that it forms an opening as shown above. Be careful not to scratch yourself on the edges. Hang it outside, then fill it until it overflows.

You do not need to add red color to the sugar water.

As long as there's some red on the can, you can leave it "plain" or make a "Deluxe" model with red paper and stickers.

I use red paper and stickers if it is a green can. Flower shaped red stickers would be nice, but I didn't have any handy.

I hope to see some hummingbirds tomorrow.

I got this idea from some people camping in a state park in Arkansas. They had made 10 of them and hung them all over their camping area as a temporary attraction for these lovely birds. The hummingbirds swarmed around them endlessly.

Try it!  David/ :-)


  1. What a great way to repurpose a can! Everyone loves seeing hummingbirds. I'm going to give this a try for sure. Hope you and your family are doing well. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and for your sweet comment! Have a great Sunday, Candace

  2. I'm so glad you were able to stop by my corner. Congrats on your initiation into the Green Bandana Garden Club!

  3. Thanks for the tip, David! This is something we will definitely try. We don't have hummingbirds locally. They have sunbird counterparts.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana