Friday, September 23, 2011


My friend at school popped her head inside my door and asked if I wanted a chicken? A chicken?
Yes. Her daughter had rescued a stray chicken from certain death by her cat. It was cute, but she couldn't keep it. The only other option was a coworker who said she'd take it home and fatten it up before cooking it.
I said yes.
Her name is Mary Marco Marie de la Boca de Gato and she was someone's pet.
She has that classic Spanish name because she actually reminds me of a baby Caracara or Majestic Mexican Eagle.

(Source: Wikipedia)

                                   Of course the odds of finding a baby Caracara roaming the neighborhood is
just a bit remote.
The first night it looked more like a baby black vulture. But there again, I don't
think black vulture babies are all that common for your cat to find.

Mary Marco Marie is very tame and loving but was not well taken care of.
It was probably just fed bread. Already, after just 4 days on a good diet of high protein chick feed, the 'vulture' skin is growing tiny feathers. The other stiff, ragged feathers will also recover.
She'll also gain weight.
She looks very small and young, but she acts much older than her appearance.
She's got a great, loving personality and of course, she IS a chicken.

I 'Caracara' a lot for her.
And who knows, maybe someday with care she'll soar all the way across the garden!
That's it for this episode of Hen Happenings.
Hope to post 'Rainfall Happenings' soon, but that's not likely.
The cold front was a flop and we're back to dry and hot weather. Ugh!

David/ :-)


  1. What an impressive bird.

    Someone once knocked on our door and handed us a baby canary he had found wandering around on the grass outside our house. He moved in with us (the canary, not the man - who turned out to be an electrician.) We called him Cuthbert Egghead. (Again, the canary; not the man.)

  2. Poor little chick. I always hate to see birds that have been subjected to the pecking order-even grackles( and I really dislike those birds). Can't they do it in a more civilized manner. What a sweetheart you are to take on his care. Would love chicks but then so would our foxes!

  3. Oh, it was meant to be! I love happy ending stories, especially when animals are involved. I'm so glad that Mary Marco Marie has a good home now ... from neglect to 'the mouth of the cat' to Paradise! Hooray!

  4. Our cold front was uneventful and is over here as well. Cute little chicken and I feel went to a good home!!!

  5. Nice chick, and with a name like that she is going to give you lots of eggs

  6. LOL!!! Good for you and MMM!! That's a great name. Glad the poor bird has a person who cares.

  7. I'm glad you took her for your own chick. She will probably lay lots of nice eggs to show her appreciation when she's ready :) I'll never understand people who don't care for their animals:(

  8. By the way...great name for your new chick. Funny, too..."de la boca de gato" Ha!Ha!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana