Sunday, September 4, 2011


The bare fence next to our church parking lot is never reason to look up. But this morning after services, I was dumbfounded. What was that across the parking lot blooming in all its glory!!!!

No hint of distress after a week of temperatures from 100 to 109F. I'm taking notice!

Let's review: I have a tropical garden, a fence, and a sunny spot. would I want to see this scene from a chair in my backyard?  Uh....why yes, I would.

Beautiful leaves, graceful trailing vines, multicolored exotic flowers. Heat tolerant.
I'll be buying a RANGOON CREEPER next year...drought or no drought.

It's got a cool Latin name, but I don't know it. Anyone know?
Happy Macro Monday
Visit Lisa, our gracious host, at for more beautiful surprises.

David/ :-)


  1. What a glorious surprise!!! Lucky you!!! Cathy

  2. Lovely pictures! Rangoon creeper can sometimes become a pest :(

  3. We had one of those at our old holding lot- beautiful. Quisqualis indica Michael said is the other name. We used to grow them but they aren't as popular here in Austin now so we haven't in like a year or two. (our winters have been too cold lately). Heard you all got some relief and rain- we are supposed to have cooler temps this week but sadly no rain.

  4. Now that plant looks like a keeper. I hope it survives rains just as easily as well. Then you can enjoy it a lot longer.

  5. What riches.
    Such a glorious colour and the way the vine trails over its support is equally divine. [an appropriate adjective in this context, don't you agree :-)]

  6. Gorgeous color in those petals, and what fresh appearance this plant has after surviving such heat!

  7. Quisqualis indica is its botanic name. Here in the tropics this thing can become quite invasive. I've always liked it though. I wish I had a spot for it in my garden.

  8. Thanks for helping get the word out about the Galveston Garden Club programs - also at

    Rangoon Creeper = Quisqualis indica

    Always enjoy reading your blog. GG

  9. Great MACRO snap of those lovely, creeping blooms, David!
    Fellow Macro Monday regards from EAGAN daily photo

  10. Very pretty. I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. I stopped by because I was worried you were near the fires raging close to Houston. I hope your family and home are safe.

  11. That would be a fun addition to the garden! Love the blooms! AND it likes heat, amazing!

  12. Wow, that is a beautiful vine with lovely flowers. I'd like to have a few of those gracing my fence too. Have a nice weekend. Mickie ;)

  13. I have seen these growing in the forest along the train tracks in Northern Thailand. They went way up the trees! Our neighbor had one. It got so heavy on the wooden arch that the arch you need to have a really strong support as it can get very heavy and woody. They cut it down over 10 years ago now but there are a few baby seedlings in the hedge that keep growing despite me cutting them down to the ground every several months. I think there is some warnings in all of those facts. :0) That being said....they are beautiful. And it is another plant to add to my very tough plant list if it is surviving your weather. Aloha


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana