Thursday, August 4, 2011


The reeds used for ancient Egyptian writing are also in this family
(image from Wikipedia)

All I wanted to do was find out the name of this wonderful little sedge in my front yard. Uh, here's what I know so far; sedges are confusing.

First, let's see if this link to my alma mater works. Someone up there at Stephen F. Austin State University in East Texas has developed a fantastic online photo atlas of our native plants with hundreds if not thousands of images. Here's the SEDGE page:

If you look at this sedge page, you can see what I'm up against. But how can I let this wonderful little sedge live in my garden without a name?

I've narrowed it down to 5 species, but it could easily be none of these. It's funny, but I'm one of those odd people that love plant taxonomy and the challenge of working through a 'plant key' that contains words like 'hispid'. I found a great sedge key up in Maryland (scroll down a bit on their website to start the torture), along with some great information from the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center . I also used a list of sedges from Travis county along with a list of  sedges from our local Native Plant Society group. I'm getting closer to an answer. Plant Delights has one that looks very similar called 'Bonnie and Clyde'. I hope I don't have little gangsters in my front yard.

I'm deciding tomorrow what to call the it. I just hope it has a cool name.
David/ :-)


  1. I have decided to dabble in sedges myself bringing 2 back from Seattle. I am told that these ones like the dry hot! We shall see if they know what dry hot is in Seattle! I have one or two sedges on my lot that grow where the water drains. Have no idea what they are though. Thanks for the link to the site.

  2. Let us know! I have no idea what a sedge is but, they look gorgeous in those photos.
    jean @ thecottageonpilgrimsfarm

  3. I also enjoy the hunt! Great web site.
    I have learned all sorts of amazing information about the relationship between plants and insects, plants and birds and plants to plants. Hope your sedge has a cool name too....if not you can always give it a nick- name....
    I like native to my area plants the best so do the bugs!

  4. David, Sedges are tough to id! I have many that grow in my wilder way-back that I move here and there but, have not been able to id yet! The key is yet! gail

  5. David, I'm doing my best to catch up on other bloggers' gardens via their posts: you're first up! I have what I think is a Sedge growing in the bull rock path along the garage wall (north side). I need to send you a picture and get the Sedge Sleuth on the job of identifying it!

  6. In a gardening class I learnt how to know if a plant is a grass or a sedge. The saying goes:
    "Sedges have edges." Roll the stalk between your fingers and you will feel the edges. Just passing a great tip on. Aloha


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana