Friday, August 12, 2011


Texas gardens seldom make their way into mainstream landscaping books. However, here are 3 books that give you a glimpse at what I would call an emerging Texas garden style. Only a portion of the first two books contain Texas gardens. The third is an older book containing Texas gardens.
My own Texas garden ~ a blend of many textures with an ever increasing shift to the west
This is my favorite. I don't own it yet, so I check it out from the public library. Every page is filled with landscaping that resonates with my own views of natural garden design.
284 pages/ over 300 color photos/ over 30 plant lists!/ Timber Press 2008
by Scott Ogden & Lauren Springer Ogden
Additional comments: I remember the first time I got this book I turned each page and smiled in delight at the landscaping. I really could not imagine a more beautiful set of photos. The Ogdens garden in Austin and in Colorado.

Pam at Digging introduced us to this book and I am so thankful she did. I tracked it down at a local bookstore and sat mesmorized for the next 30 minutes. Have you ever lost yourself in a book before?
It's a small book, but packs over 295 fantastic illustrations into 234 pages, some of which are from Texas gardens. The text and topics are excellent. I'm definitely getting this book!
by Stephen Orr
 Rodale Press 2011

This is probably where it all began and the title tells all. This book has stood the test of time and was published in 1997. It's still in print! That's saying a lot for a landscaping book. I must warn you that these are not gardens with over-the-top flower scenes. The gardens pictured are filled with the subtle beauty of native plants. Many of the flowers are smaller and at first you think the gardens need more. But the point of the book is this: you CAN have an all native flower and foliage garden. Most of us have opted for a blended garden, but it's nice to see where the native path will take you.
by Sally & Andy Wasowski
188 pages/ 274 illustrations/ Taylor Trade Publishing 1997/ reprinted and now in paperback

That's it! Happy Gardening.
David/ :-)


  1. I'm always looking for another gardening book. I have not read these yet. Thanks for the introduction.

  2. Hmm. Purchase plants of purchase books? I have a feeling that the style of gardening may well apply to the tropics also.

  3. I really liked "tomorrow's garden" too, and also was unable to look away for about thirty minutes. Excellent choice.

  4. I like all three of those, David, and in fact reviewed the Ogdens' book a while back: Just for fun and inspiration for gardening in a drier climate, you might also enjoy Scott Calhoun's "Yard Full of Sun." It's a memoir about learning to make a garden in Tucson, Arizona, but it's also witty, passionate, and well-written for gardeners anywhere. It's about gardening for where you live.

  5. I love Lauren Springer's books, but I always thought of them as books for Colorado (guess I need to take another look at the ignored Colorado section of my gardening bookshelf). I gardened with all drought tolerant plants while I lived in Ft. Collins, and I have to say it was much easier to garden there in that respect. It seemed like the weather there was so much more predictable than Houston. Here we have such extremes, plants need to be ok with tons of water, no water, over 100 degree days, hot nights, and freezing temperatures. I know there is a lot of talk about this drought continuing for another year (or maybe more), but I have a hard time believing that this year suddenly marked the end of flooding in Houston and my backyard.
    Happy gardening, HGG

  6. I love Sally Wasowski's books, but the other two are new to me. Thank you for the recommendations!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana