Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We woke up to overcast skies and a steady rain all morning. Temperatures were 79 instead of 97 and my son decided to sit on the porch and sing in the rain. I think my whole garden is singing as well.
Hope the rain keeps pouring all over those who need it. We got .35" and I collected almost 100 gallons of rainwater from the roof.
Crown of Thorns display intricate water patterns

Our son, the musician, "Singing in the Rain". Here are 3 of the 20 water containers we use to harvest rain water. Each hold 10 to 15 gallons of water when full.

This little guy came out to see the rare rainfall.
Rain drops on a Rain tree. :-)
Have I ever told you green is my favorite color?

Yeah! I don't have to water today. Only the second time in months.
Thanks for stopping by.
David/ :-)


  1. Hurray for rain! Even the snail looks happy.

  2. Yeah for the rain!! We got some here in Austin and my mother said Houston got a fair share. Supposedly more to come today- we shall see. That first photo of the Crown of Thorns almost looks like candy. Let's hope there's more rain to follow!

  3. Good idea with the rain barrels, I need to try that out.

  4. Can't wait to see the post! Been reading your stuff for a while and have always enjoyed it- like the straw hat post =)
    No a/c... I get that. We now have a little office with a/c that Michael built- it is nice to jump in there with these little 106 days we have been having.... Looking forward to the post! (as well as your others).

  5. I just discovered your blog and seeing how I grew up in Houston, I think I'll be dropping by often. Thanks for garden memories!

  6. Hi David

    I love the photograph of your son singing....delightful. I love to sing, wish I could have joined him.

    Water is so precious......enjoy, as I am sure your garden will (and the snail)

  7. Have been watching your blog for a few weeks and thrilled that you are getting some rain now. I enjoy your blog and photos very much. Thank you for all the blogging tips that you give to us newbies. Aloha

  8. Awesome photos, David! I remember what it feels like to go from 97 to cooler temps thanks to much needed rain. Truly, it is something to sing about! I am awaiting something like that to happen up here in New Hampshire. We've had southern temps and humidity without the benefit of central A/C. This bayou girl has been a little unpleasant to be around. ahem! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana