Tuesday, June 7, 2011


(click on image to enlarge...you'll laugh!)
These young squirrels run around in my front yard all morning, then poop out by noon. I found this one taking a siesta.
Happy Wordless Wednesday
David/ :-)


  1. Nicely captured. Most days, I could use a nap about noon.

  2. This pic made me laugh and made me realize that I've never seen a squirrel at rest. Great capture:)

  3. That is one cute squirrel! Hahaha! Good thing you were able to get that shot without scaring him away. You must have a nice lens, or you're like a ninja. Hahaha! :)

    I have my sons' killer smiles as entry for this week! Check it out here!

    Happy WW!

  4. Hi! I clicked on your link from WW because of the Houston mention. I'm originally from Houston but live in Austin.

    Love when squirrels here stretch out like that.

  5. That is a cute picture, made me smile!

  6. Hey David

    It`s cute sqiurrel.
    Thanks for your komment. I get so happy every time i hear from you. You seem like a very creative person and it will indeed go across different nations and cultuers. I am pleased to show you my cubes along vein. There`s notting better than to have started in something you look forward to seeing the outcome of.

    Hey from Joern in Denmark

  7. This is one of the most hilarious shots!!! Very cute. I know squirrels are pests to some people, but I like seeing them around....taking a siesta even better:)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana