Monday, June 13, 2011


I remember my Grandmother's garden as I'm writing this. I recollect that she never bought a single plant. Can you imagine? Back then, folks would trade cuttings and pot up extras for each other. Hers was a nice garden for two reasons; the plants and the memories of her friendships with other gardeners.

It's funny, but I am always amazed when someone gives me a plant. I can't help but think of them every time I see the plant or water it. Here are a few of the latest. I call them Friendship Plants, but there's a nice little book called Pass Along Plants filled with the same sentiment.
Perhaps you have your own set of Friendship Plants in your garden.
This Yucca recurvifolia is from Sam and Nancy at our church. We usually look west to find Yuccas, but amazingly, this one is native to Alabama and Georgia. It takes the heat and dry conditions well and has blue green foliage and soft leaves.

This is from Cindy at My Corner of's a species new to me in the Ruellia family. She said it might take over so be careful. I don't mind a bit! :-)

This is also from Cindy at My Corner of Katy. It's one of the most beautiful Agaves in my garden.
I couldn't remember what she called it, but I found some images online that seem to be a match:
Agave lophantha 'Splendida'
Thanks again, Cindy!

This giant Cycas revoluta  has a funny story. Wes and Lisa were clearing their front yard and wanted to know if I wanted a cycad. I was imagining a small plant when in fact it was 4 feet across! It's doing fine after 6 years.

This Tradescantia has outlived the friend who gave it to me. She passed away from cancer 4 years ago, but her flower still graces my garden. I call it Jenee's flower.
I take it in each winter. I dare not lose it.
Thanks for stopping by.
David/ :-)


  1. So true! I value the many gifted plants that I have received...and just for the record I can't imagine receiving a 4ft across Cycad! You hit the jackpot!

  2. That's a great collection of friendship plants. You are so lucky with the plants you received. Pass-alongs are definitely special. I've even received pass-alongs from people I've met through garden blogging or garden websites ... people I've never actually met in real life!

  3. I've got lots of Black eyed Susans that my grandmother gave me. Love that plant!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana