Friday, June 10, 2011


It rained hard for about 10 minutes and I was ready. I had all my buckets out along the roof line of the house and hopefully caught about 30 to 40 gallons of rain from our .30" event.
I'd like to invent a way to use our washing machine water on the garden since a typical large wash cycle can use 40-45 gallons! And the pump in the washer would do all the work! Right now it just goes down the drain. Imagine 5 or 6 loads of laundry. That's betwen 200 and 300 gallons of water I could reuse on the trees and bushes each week. Rain is about as precious as gold right now during our worst Texas drought (unofficially) since records started back in 1889.
You can buy these water troughs at Farm & Ranch stores. I have 4 of them.

An old piece of gutter harvests rain and sends it to a 30 gallon trash can.

We are 14 inches behind on rain. We've missed 42 rains like the one today due to the drought!
The Great Drought of 2011 is about 1,300 miles across and over 900 miles from top to bottom. The Miami area in Florida is also suffering. Here it is in April.

....and here it is in June.
Some parts of the area recieved a lot of rain this week, so maybe we'll get more this month. If we don't, I've started to see signs that native trees are starting to die.
David/ :-)


  1. Glad you finally got some rain....any rain is better than no rain! Wish ours would come soon!

  2. Hi David,
    I'm glad you got some rain, and hope you get some more. I love your photos, especially the first one.

  3. Well David, you must have gotten more rain than we did up here in Spring or better saying in my neighborhood since parts of Spring, The Woodlands and Tomball got even some really good rain the other day. I guess, my neighborhood is covered with an invisible umbrella. The rain wasn't even enough to wet all of our patio. :(
    Happy Gardening. Or should I rather say Happy Watering? ;)
    Paula Jo


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana