Monday, May 9, 2011


I was watering the front yard today during this HIDEOUS DROUGHT when a strange thing happened: a very nice person with a dog walked by and said that my garden looked awesome. Seems she's a landscape designer who just moved here from California. I told her about my blog and then told her NOT to go look at it. She should try out some of those other great blogs instead.
           Why? Because I don't think my garden is so awesome. Yes, it has nice designs and nice plants and it's actually a fun garden because of all the unusual agaves and such. But the plants are all different from what's in my memory. It's a dry garden now and I just have to be happy with that and enjoy what I've got. Still, I do wonder what she would have said if she had walked by in May 2004. Seems like a hundred years ago and a parallel universe. It's so weird to see these pictures, but they are in fact the same garden when I had rainy summers and lots of new plants in the works. I have to tell you the truth, I really wish I still had these plants and it makes me a bit depressed to look at these pictures. But it's too dry and hot most summers.

These were all taken in May 2004...a mere 7 years ago. Most have died out since then from heat, drought, too much shade or from canna virus or daylily rust.
But we must move on.
It's Day 104 without significant rain. I'm worried about what's in store for Texas gardeners this summer.


  1. I wish we could get together and do a little slide show for the idiots who claim climate change isn't real. I've got a similar situation in my front garden. It was amazing pre-winter 2008. Before the winters got really ugly.

    And also...I'm sure your garden is lovely. You just have the unfortunate luck of knowing it was once even better (to you).

  2. in the wise words of Crosby, Stills and Nash...if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with.

    It's still your garden...just going through a rough patch just like everyone else. It needs you!

    It has been interesting in my garden to see what is holding up well and what is suffering the most. I thought lantanas were supposed to be drought-tolerant, but oh, wow, are mine cranky. My gardenia, on the other hand, is SO happy. It's finally turned all green again, and just sort of waves at me dismissively if I bring out the hose. So odd.

  3. Bet you do miss those gingers! They looked amazing.

  4. No rain, drying winds. I feel like i've moved to west Texas! I've put in a new bed with new plants, but I can't keep them watered like they need, so they are all dying - what a waste of time and effort!

  5. Yeah, it's hard to have a tropical garden in an increasingly arid climate. I wonder if Houston will hold to that trend or go back to its normal rainfall levels in years to come?

    Austin got 2 inches of desperately needed rain this morning. I hope you got some too.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana