Thursday, April 7, 2011

GARDEN BLOG GAMES: 1st EDITION~ Which is NOT a Florida Garden Blog?

I'm fairly certain I will never get to visit all the garden blogs in the world, but I can at least have fun trying.
And what better way than to play some games. Since I'm a teacher, this is a pleasure.
Won't you give it a try? I guarantee these are all actual GARDEN BLOGS that I have visited.


A.  My Florida Backyard   ( see, I'm nice, aren't I?)
B.  Terra Mirabilis (means miraculous land)
C. Hoe & Shovel
D. DragonFly Garden
E. Shovel-Ready Garden
F. The Rain Forest Garden
G. Peace in the Valley
(scroll down for the answer)

E. Shovel-Ready Garden is in Austin Texas  .  All the others are in Florida. Happy Weekend.
hOPE yOU  Get TO GO outSIDE and GARDEN your gloves off! :0) David/


  1. Uh-oh! I didn't get it! I'll have to pop over and visit Shovel Ready Garden as I've never popped in there before.

  2. Hi David,
    I agree with you, we probably will never be able to ever visit all the garden blogs that are on the web and daily a few new ones are added world wide. Not all of them are real good blogs and some of them are only created for SEO purpose and actually do not really provide a lot of good information. Still,most garden blogs, I would say 95% of them are very good, very informative and always worth a visit.
    I'm sure going to relax and enjoy my garden this weekend and during the hottest time of the day I might just come in and visit some garden blogs. ;)
    Have a nice weekend, David
    Paula Jo


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana