Thursday, April 14, 2011


The front yard is the focus for this month's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. This superlative event is sponsored by Carol at May Dreams Garden. She's on my sidebar favorites, so please go visit! :-)
We've been very dry this past month, but cool. The impatiens are one of the few flowers than can take heat, shade, and Houston humidity. They also take water, so choose wisely. I usually don't keep them past June since they drink heavily...water that is. LOL   A few tropicals are also in bloom this month. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your gracious comments. David/ :-)

Out of 144 plants, this was the only one with this pattern. I don't recall ever seeing an impatien like this. I'm going to try to take cuttings and keep it alive as a houseplant. I really like it!

Another pretty pattern with that blush of pink and lavender.

Another 'eyed' impatien. I like this one because it is not like the typical solid pink

Another with a pattern.

Cannas are starting to bloom.

One of my Spring blooming bromeliads.

An Aechmea bromeliad in bloom.

The Loop Lawn. The pavers take the viewer in a gentle "S"  to the back of the garden.

Another view of the lawn loops. I really enjoyed making these.

Here's another view of the loop garden. Texas is having the worst drought in 40 years, so it's a miracle the grass is even this green. I'm already tired of watering.
Maybe we'll get rain soon.
David & Melanie, Houston Texas


  1. Love the loops...and isn't odd that you're in a drought and we are drowning. Mother Nature is one crazy lady!

  2. Well whatever you're doing is sure working.....I can't believe how nice the tropicals look! Mine are beginning to recover but barely. Hopefully you'll get some rain soon.

  3. I LOVE impatiens. They really love our weather and they're so easy to propagate. I have one called 'Jungle Gold' that should be ready to take cuttings of soon--the flowers are stunning.

  4. Sorry to read about your drought - hope you get rain soon. I love the color and pattern in the first image of the impatient.

  5. Beautiful Impatiens and that red and white one is very striking! Thank goodness it's only water they drink ... I had visions of tipsy plants rolling around your garden for a moment there!

    Just love your lawn loops. That's a terrific idea and such a great feature. It really breaks up the lawn area and adds a touch of interest.

    Hoping the drought breaks for you soon. We had years of drought, a few years ago now, but I remember very well how hard it is to get a garden through times of such water shortages.

  6. David, Your loop garden is fantastic~What a clever idea. I would love to send rain your way~We are having an excess of it this Spring. gail

  7. Loved the loop. Doesn't Houston usually get about 50" of rain a year?

  8. The impatiens are looking so lovely. Happy bloom day.

  9. That 'loop lawn' is a very clever idea! I may have to copy that! What a fine way to encourage garden visitors to linger in certain areas. Nice to have found you through Carol. Happy Bloom Day!

  10. Like the look of the lawn loops - seems to create the illusion of cascading heights.

  11. Looks shady and cool, David. What a contrast your "loopy" landscape makes with the traditional rectangle of lawn across the street!

  12. It is tremendously discouraging to see lawns turning brown in April. Rain is but a distant memory and a forlorn hope at this point, at least for me. Those bromeliad blooms are spectacular!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana