Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Anyone else have a weakness for silvery plants? I have only a few, but always seek out new ones. This is one of those rare bromeliads that have that beautiful silvery green scale composition. It's called Aechmea "Little Naru".  I think it was developed locally since I can't find a single photo on Google images.  If you know more about "Little Naru", do share. My guess is that it came from Odean Head or David Mead.
Speaking of sharing, hop on over to Steve's Garden Blog for the rest of this month's epiphyte collection at
Aechmea 'Little Naru'. The pups are silvery par excellence!

"LITTLE" Naru is my second largest bromeliad!

                      Someone has quite a sense of humor..."Little Naru" is anything but little when full grown.
             Aechmea 'Little Naru'  is about 2 1/2 feet x 2 1/2 in height and spread. It blooms periodically, though mine hasn't bloomed.  It sets pups yearly, but only 1 or 2 at a time. It abhors freezing weather. I almost lost this plant last winter.  It likes dappled shade and can take hot, summer temperatures. It is NOT fussy about soils or conditions, but keep it in a small, undersized pot with quick draining soil media.
Aechmea fasciataAechmea 'Romero', and many in the genus Tillandsia.
Thanks for stopping by. David/ Tropical Texana


  1. i think that trying to leave my comment in pig latin would give me a headache, and i don't speak but a bit of german and spanish and absolutely no danish... so i'll just go with english...

    lovely photos. i haven't seen little naru before either so perhaps you're right to think that it was developed locally. i live in thailand and we have quite the assortment of bromeliad here.

  2. Dang freeze tender bromeliads! I have an aechmea distichantha that has some silvery foliage when grown in the sun, and its hardy to at least 20F too. BTW I also recently bout a hybrid from a local grower with a hybrid name that has no record of existence. All I can tell is that it is a hybrid involving some of the matchstick type aechmeas, has orange bracts (flowers are gone by now) and it's named "Happy Mule". There are so many hybrids out there that aren't registered!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana