Thursday, January 6, 2011


Sunset at Quintana Beach, Texas Gulf Coast

There's a BIG FREEZE coming next week and as a Tropical Gardener, this always brings some apprehension along with THE question; just HOW cold is cold for this round?
I'm actually relieved at the answer. We had heard rumors like the big freeze of '83 or '89. Those were events that happened here before I added the tropical element to the garden. Whole trees died during those years.
So here's what I've got as far as predictions for this next week. It will be interesting to see who is the best at predicting such an event one week out from its occurrence. (Sunday through Thursday low temps.)

Do you have a favorite from the list, or even a better source for weather? Thanks. David :0)

  1. Weather Channel                34  33  28  35  42
  2. Intellicast                            34  33  30  27  42
  3. KHOU                              50  33  30  28  30
  4. National Weather Service   34  32  29  31  42
  5. Wunderground                   34  34  32  34  42
  6. My Forecast.Com              49  35  35  34  43
  7. Accuweather                      35  33  35  32  33
  8. UNISYS                            46  34  31   31  31    
  9. Actual Low Temp.            39  35  27  32   39   (My lowest temp 28.5)


  1. I just gonna tell you not beeing the winner at my 1001 blogpost anniversary, sorry :-D

  2. First of all, gorgeous photo! Secondly, I really hope it's just a quick, mild freeze for you guys. I certainly can empathize as I've been on *that* roller coaster before (hmmm...just a couple weeks ago, actually). I've learned, though, to always assume the worst forecast and prepare accordingly. We had a legendary freeze in '89 here as well. The locals often speak of it. Of course, that memory didn't stop most of them from slapping arecas and crotons and ti plants all over the landscapes in the following decades.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana