Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was out tonight with that gorgeous full moon shining. I was taking some kitchen scraps out to the compost pile when a movement caught the corner of my eye. Something had been on the ground and had flown up to a small branch. It stayed and stayed just sitting there. As my eyes adjusted, I could tell it was a small screech owl. I had no idea they hung around all winter in my backyard.
Of course I had no camera. ( Do YOU take your camera out to a compost pile late at night? LOL)
Soooo...I slowly moved backwards and walked back into the house to get one.

I was guessing there would be a 100% chance that the owl was gone....I mean, why would it stick around for me? must have really wanted to get back to hunting in that little spot of the yard. I stepped, took a picture, then stepped again closer until I was just two steps away.  We spent what seemed like an eternity looking at each other. Then, in a flash, the owl was gone. Have you ever been so close to something wild that you didn't want it to end? That's how I felt.
I really want to make some owl boxes for this garden.
David/ :-)

He was not at all scared of me. I got the distinct impression that this was his garden, not mine. :-)


  1. Great pics!!! I can never get the birds to stay in place for me!!! Hope you have more visits. Thank you so much for the info on avocados!! Have your avocado trees survived? I have tried so many times and failed miserably. How do you do it?

  2. I'd love to have an owl in my yard! Great pictures. I can't believe he let you get that close!

  3. What a great photo op! They are beautiful, these creatures of the night, but I must say I fear them greatly. We often witness them swooping down to snag something from the grass. I fear for the life of my little miniature dachshund who weighs so little, she could be owl bait. (I saw an owl attack a cat when I was girl.)

  4. Aren't they the cutest! Once you get an owl box up you'll be able to watch them at all times of the day, as they sit in the doorway to snooze in late winter through spring.

  5. I love those little (Eastern) screech owls. They hang around our yard in the evenings, too. What a nice experience, and the pix are great.

  6. Awesome photos!! Thanks so much for posting them!!

  7. Incredible! Those eyes are haunting. I know what you mean about not wanting the Nature Moment to end -- I'm just happy it waited for you to grab your camera. Thanks for sharing!

  8. So cool! And right in your yard, that's awesome! So glad he let you get some good photos. Owls are goofy sometimes..We saw a Barred last week and he let us get really close (no camera though), I've had others just let me approach and check 'em out. Love owls! Great post!

  9. I am SO envious! As a Rice U graduate, owls have a special place in my heart. I should build some owl boxes too.

  10. Awesome, David. The orange eyes are magnetic! I have a very cool owl experience too! We saw a baby in our trees one spring. We began to ask what the significance of an owl is. wisdom is what came to mind. we were struggling with many financial things then (as now) and saw the little owl as a symbol of God's wisdom. I took several pics and videos as it stayed about 4 days/nights in our big tree. we have a "bird's eye view" outside our second story window you know... :D As I developed the pics, one of them showed a golden glint in its eye... if I enlarge the area, the "glint" was in the shape of a lumious cross! truly a symbol of God's provision.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana