Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Tropical Texana is bracing for 3 nights of frigid weather. This is the 2nd consecutive year and now I'll have to see just which plants are doomed to regrow from scratch. In the meantime, I'll let these beautiful ducks express my feelings.  I took these shots at Hermann Park, Houston, Texas.
I need to "pare down" my tropical plant collection.

How A Tropical Gardener feels when they say it's going to really freeze tonight.

I could 'rail' about this weather, but what would it matter?

I have all my ducks in a row...the plants are all covered.

There will still be beauty after all this is over.

Happy Worldless Wednesday. To see other great entries, visit our wonderful host, Alicia at http://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/
Thanks for flying in to visit. :0) David
BTW: Anyone know the species of  duck? I'd love to know.


  1. The ducks look so serene! :-) Great photos!
    Happy WW!

  2. Ducky! We're entering a deep freeze, too. Look at the bright side: no mosquitoes and no lawn to mow. Stay warm!

  3. Hmm... I have no idea what species. It sure is a pretty one though. And great job on the pics! Makes me a little jealous. It actually looks nice there. It's snowing and FRREEEEZING here! Happy WW!

  4. We had some at the local park the other day, which I thought was odd since the pond is mostly frozen!

    So pretty, and your look much warmer than the ones I saw!

  5. Terrific shots. What kind of ducks are they?

  6. No idea what kind of ducks these are --- but these are great photos!

  7. Your photos are awesome! The 2nd one cracked me up. Hermann Park is so beautiful. I'm feeling a trip to Houston coming on soon. Ninfas is calling me. Have a great Wednesday, Candace

  8. I feel your pain...I am literally feeling it, actually, with yet another freeze warning in our neck of the woods for tonight. Your ducks are all quite cheery, though. Great photos! Hope the damage isn't too bad for you. You have that urban heat, right? I've noticed in our area that city landscapes do much better.

  9. I totally identify with that duck! It got down to 25 degrees last night here. :(

  10. Hello David and family,

    I think, I can help.
    Your beautiful ducks are called black-bellied whistling ducks. They are more common down here near the border and we have them flying over our house almost every day.

    Good luck with your garden and greetings from Brownsville!

  11. I'm glad I made it to this post. How clever, and I love the photos!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana