Saturday, January 22, 2011


Last night I was trying to find a particular photo and in the process I went through hundreds of old garden pictures from this tropical garden. It's hard to imagine that I used to grow these plants and I can't really say why they're not here anymore. A freeze here, a heatwave there, a hurricane, a drought, and so it goes.
"Better to have grown and lost than never grown before. "  ~~my take on a famous quote
David/ Tropical Texana

Curcuma cordata (Hidden ginger)

Hedychium Elizabeth (Butterfly Ginger)

Canna Lily

Hedychium Brandi Sato (Butterfly Ginger)


  1. So many beauties, what a shame to have lost them! I think it's true of every garden though ... plants just go missing and it sometimes hard to say why. I know I lost so many plants during the long years of drought a few years back.

    I have a Curcuma just like yours, but a different varietal name ... and it goes dormant every winter. When I first bought this plant I had no idea about it all, so I was pleased when it made a welcome return.

    Simply love both your Butterfly Gingers ... the Hedychiums are next on my wish list. Maybe I shouldn't ask you for advice on growing them, lol! Only joking ... any advice would be most welcome when I do finally get them.

  2. Beautiful flower/flower stalks. I do that to....look through pics and wonder what happened to the plants. Some I remember well while others I forget completely. I love tropical plants and when one of them dies, I remember:)

  3. Love your take on that quote! Those are beautiful tropical blooms there. Too bad they're gone. I have a few memories like that, including some butterfly ginger bulbs I planted a few years ago that never took. I've wondered if some helper pulled them as they were coming up, or maybe if a critter hauled them off.

  4. Hi, I stumbled on your blog somehow---lucky me. I love your butterfly ginger---I wonder if I can grow it in the California desert--probably not. Thanks for sharing your photos they are gorgeous. I have some of my own if you'd like to check out the photo gallery 1 at


  5. These are gorgeous blooms! Do you ever take photographs of the butterflies that visit them?
    I am a lover of the butterflies. I do enjoy Texas in January.
    I have seen lots of butterflies and birds when the snow lies heavy here in my midwest gardens.
    I have the longing for warm days.
    I am enjoying getting to know you.

  6. I have always loved cannas, I used to have some along the front of my house and they kept things pretty all summer. :) Love your hidden ginger! That one is new to me. :)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana