Monday, December 5, 2011


We finished decorating our Norfolk Island Pine for Christmas and we've finally put away our artificial tree forever. We had to use very lightweight decorations. But other than that, it's very nice to have a living tree in the house. David/ :-)

2011 Tree

One of our pet chickens, Marco, takes a look at our Norfolk Island Pine Christmas tree.
No pecking the ornaments, Marco! :-)

2010 TREE
DECEMBER 2010 ~Since everyone in our extended family knows about my gardening interests, I am often given plants as gifts. I got a small Norfolk Island Pine last year and I told everyone this small plant was going to be our Christmas tree by next year. Everyone seemed to think I was joking. Well, 3 pot sizes later and about double the size later, here's the picture. It stays outside in the garden all year long until Christmas. If you are going to have a Norfolk Island Pine as a Christmas tree, buy very light ornaments. I use paper ornaments and small ribbons and bells. Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays
 David at Tropical Texana/ Houston :0)
Be sure and visit Alicia at to see her beautiful photography and WW group. Thanks, Alicia, for hosting all the year long.


  1. Number one. I love the headlines with your wooden raindeer. Brilliant!

    And number 2. It's a wonderful potted tree to have in the house and as it gets bigger, your Norfolk will look beautiful. I had one awhile ago, but I also have cats.....needless to say, the cats are still here:( Apparently kitty litter boxes come in all shapes and sizes.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!!

  2. Beautiful! (O, en espanol, arbol muy bonita....ou, en français, bel arbre)

    Debnance at Readerbuzz who also lives in Tropical Texas (well, subtropical Texas)

  3. Have you noticed the natural star on the top of your tree? You might have to lay on the ground to see it. I took this picture at the SF Botanical Gardens last year, and it was our holiday card:

  4. Great, lovely christmas tree, did you get this tree in your garden?

    Just like to share with you a funny quotes...

    "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying." - Woody Allen

    You can get more funny quotes at

  5. I love your Christmas tree! I can only imagine how much bigger it will be next year.

    I wish for you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Good advice on the ornament weight. Doesn't it go into shock to come in from the outside to a warm house?

  7. Lovely blog...thanks for stopping by mine! I am a new follower. I homeschool using the CM method which has a very strong emphasis on nature study. I am sure my kids and I will enjoy seeing your garden throughout the year...we don't have one...I tried this year and every last thing died...except the hubby ran over them with the lawnmower...

  8. I LOVE your tree! This is the first time that I have ever seen Norfolk Island Pine. Can you or rather will it continue to grow after Christmas? Will I be able to come back to your blog a year later to see it? I do not have a green thumb and I tend to kill every kind of plant possible so I'm very impressed with anyone that can keep a plant alive. Have a great Christmas David!

  9. I should have this Christmas tree in my tiny new apartment rather than the monstrous one that we brought from Louisiana. Maybe next year I can find one like yours. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love your "About Me" profile picture! Great minds do think alike. Your photos on your blog are awesome and I am happily your latest follower over here. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Candace

  10. I think my cats would really love that tree. All those delicate branches and light, paper ornaments! Very unique and festive! =)

  11. I like your idea, a real tree that comes back every year. Next year you might need a bigger pot. Marry Christmas

  12. Very nice shots of a lovely Christmas tree!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment:o)

    Happy day****

  13. We also used Araucaria last year. Three potted plants around the house. I took them outside after Christmas and now one of them is too big to bring back in. LOL!

  14. Woow, I thought it was only my crazy idea to use Araucaria for Christmas tree. I love the pictures and decoration. I will show this to my family which argues with me to pick up a rather usual sort of Christmas tree for next year.


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana