Monday, December 20, 2010


Ruby Tuesday celebrates all things red. You can visit all sorts of crimson and rubies at   This week: What's RED on our Christmas tree.
                                 Traditional Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus
               I am from a Danish town in Texas where we put the Danish flag on the Christmas tree.
                  I couldn't have said it better!   Shhhh..He's sleeping.
                       We can only hope, can't we?  Maybe next year.
                      I learned to make these from a wonderful Danish friend here in the U.S.
                                   Merry Christmas from Tropical Texana.  I know this is a garden blog, so I will add that one of  our Christmas trees is alive. It is a Norfolk Island Pine and I'll show the entire tree soon. It usually stays outside in the garden until this time of year. It grows all year long. David :0)


  1. Love your Norfolk Pine ... it's always so lovely having the real thing! I enjoyed all your little red ornaments and decorations, but especially loved the heart-shaped paper creation! I used to do those with my students ... such fun! Thanks for dropping by my blogs this past year and I've so enjoyed dropping in to visit yours, even though I don't always leave a comment, you can be sure I'm checking out all your posts! See you in the new gardening year!

  2. How festive!
    You're right - your main blog photo matches my post :)
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by, even before the links were working - that's real dedication! Have a great day!

  3. I love this, your danish heart in paper is just like them my father in law are folding, he make hearts, birds and other animals. MErry chrstimas to you in Texas! Here in Sweden we are having a unusual cold and snowy christmas.
    kram Sophia

  4. Ihr Weihnachtsbaum, und die dänische Flagge sind schön. Ich wünsche jetzt war ich in Texas! Weg zu kalt hier oben in Kanada

    Thank-you for giving me the opportunity to use my bad German !!!!!

  5. Reg...Danke fur die Erste Komment auf Deutsch!
    Hoffentlich hast du Schnee mit Weihnachten da dort in Kanada. Tschuss!
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston :0)

  6. A very interesting collection of Christmas reds! The Peace on Earth cushion is especially delightful!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana