Monday, December 27, 2010


We live deep within the Metro Houston 'Heat Island' . This makes for some interesting weather forecasts. I never actually know how cold it will be until it happens. We've had about 1 hour of frost so far this winter with a temperature of 32 degrees for about 20 minutes one morning. This was according to a home weather station in our neighborhood. It makes for some unusual scenes.

               Half the plant freezes. Inches away the other half is fine!  This happens with elephant ears as well.
                               Frost on the roof, but not on the plants.
                       I cover some plants with a blanket. Guess who decides to stop by? Our cat.
Jack Frost on leaves in our neighbor's yard across the street, but not on mine!
It's still a zone 10 (30-40 degree minimum) garden this year, but in January the tropical party will probably be over and my garden will settle down for its winter nap.


  1. I hope the temps don't get that cold for you again.

  2. Oh....there's more coming my friend. We're looking at a 4 night freeze here and it's going to be a hard one. Get your sheets and blankets ready in the next day or so....I know it's coming and cloudy weather is here.....we're supposed to get snow!!! Snow! It's pretty but when it melts away, I want to cry. Jack Frost is returning! Be ready:)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana