Thursday, November 18, 2010


I live in zone 9...a place where tropical plants can grow very nicely until....WINTER.  For some reason, I always feel a sense of dread when entering the winter months since I'm not certain I'll see some of these tropical plants again.  I take a lot of photos in November. Here's one from 5 years ago. Sad to say a number of the plants in this photo died from the terrible freeze last year. Happily, a lot are still around.


  1. I feel your dread and I up it a zone (or rather would that be I down it a zone?), anyway all I'm trying to say is I know the feeling. We are looking at a few days of highs in 39/40 area and lows around 28. Nothing terribly drastic but the first freeze of the season. It always makes me wonder what will be left "standing" come March.

  2. I definitely know how you feel as far as that ominous feeling goes. I'm happy to say that most of my tropicals did overwinter, but I also rely on gingers and alocasias heavily, and they easily come back from the roots. I'll probably have some succulents die on me this time around now that I've planted them though...

  3. I've lived many years with the same dread, gardening in a Zone 9 environ with soooo many Zone 10 & 11 plants. Fortunately, I can count on one hand the specimens I've permanently lost. Most of them will come back by mid-summer if I leave them in their damaged state. I think people don't realize how root-hardy these plants really are because they pull them up too soon, assuming they are dead.

  4. My feelings of dread have been realized. A freeze is expected tonight, so I've been working on getting all the potted plants into the greenhouse. Of course, the greenhouse is filled with bicycles, lumber, and other flotsom. All this to do on a very cold, windy, rainy day. Gardening at its best...braving the elements to save lives! (plant lives)
    David/ Tropical Texana/ 43 degree Houston Texas


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana