Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wildflower Wednesday on a Weekend ~ Wild Asters finally blooming!

Gail at Clay and Limestone devotes the 3rd Wednesday of each month for a worldwide view of wildflowers. My wonderful wild Asters are finally blooming! They came up on their own a few years back and now have colonized a front flowerbed. The insects love them, especially a small unidentified black wasp. This is shot with a new camera (my wife and I traded) and I'm thrilled to discover it has great  macro zooms.
Visit Gail in my sidebar favorites to see what other wildflowers are  finishing out our Autumn season.
We have at least 12 species of Asters, so it's hard to say. I'm guessing Roadside Aster (A. subulatus) or the Starved Aster (A. lateriflorus)
Click to enlarge
The delicate branching contrasts with the large, speckled foliage of a Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra x 'Milky Way' )
The buds look like tiny watermelons.

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I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana