Thursday, September 2, 2010


Are you sad when you see the photos you've taken of plants you had in the past? These 3 shots are exactly that: tropical plants that fizzled out for whatever reason. Yet the memories are worth it and hey... we can always try again. Right?
Peace Lily ~ Spathiphyllum species ~large leaf variety

Cat palm in bloom. Died in the last freeze. I'll definitely try this one again.
Chamaedorea cataracterum

I actually had two gardens back in 2004. My neighbor let me grow all of our sunloving favorites in her front yard. We loved our sunflowers the most. This one even looks like the sun itself.
Sadly, my garden buddy passed away a number of years ago and our dual garden is now only a fond memory.
Gardens ebb and flow and I'm happy for the memories.
Do you have a nostalgic Three for Thursday tucked away?
Thanks to Cindy in Katy for the fabulous format. Please join us sometime. It's three related pictures of anything gardenesque.


  1. I just tried to leave a comment, but for some reason, wasn't signed in. I remember saying I like the cat palm. I haven't heard of it, maybe because I live in Nebraska.

    I've been sad when seeing photos of crocosmia, because they only live a few seasons. here.

    Well, I'm falling asleep, so better get off. Thanks for your comment on my wildlife post.

  2. Yes, I'm getting sad just looking at how my whole garden looked this time last year compared with this year. I hope to join you with a threesome for Thursday when I have a minute.

  3. Just thought I'd let you know that my larger peace lily died, while my little one bounced right back. Our temps were 20f for a few nights. Also, one cat palm died while the other suckered from the ground. Hit or miss!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana