Monday, September 6, 2010


Hope your garden chores are not quite as bad as this.
Background: This is from the museum in Castroville, Texas. When the Texas State Parks Dept. purchased the land, they hired help to clean out an old Mill Run along the Medina River. A 100 foot underground section had completely filled with muck.
Castroville also has lovely antique shops, so let's finish on a positive note. We loved this rustic antique shop in the downtown section.
Rustic garden and shop.

Things are hopping around here.
It's DAY 40 with hardly any good rains, but Tropical Storm Hermine(?) is out in the Gulf bringing us storm clouds and the prospect of floods(!) during this drought-like period.
Also, we saw our first warbler in the garden yesterday and our first hummingbird.
I cleaned up the hummingbird feeder and got it up and running.
They've already found it.
Can you see the green hummingbird? It's on the feeder.
It's a ruby-throated female.

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I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana