Saturday, September 25, 2010


I really DON'T want my OTHER LIFE (work, problems, etc.) to spill over into my nice, cozy garden blog.
But sometimes you get overwhelmed by a wave of circumstances that crashes through all those nice little walled partitions and affects everything...including gardening.
I had a bad fall at work last week, went in ambulance to the emergency room and have hurt my back. The good news is that I have no ruptured discs and as far as we know I've not reinjured my back from a long ago surgery in that area. I'm in recovery now with physical therapy and have now gone back to work. But, as a kinda sad joke, when asked if I'm OK, I just tell people 'It only hurts when I move'. un haha. :0) poor wife has had to endure the pain with me and she's a trooper for taking on all the chores in the garden.   We've had the blues, so the blue family of flowers is the theme.
These mini bouquets are really fun to make.

Angelonia, Sage, and Peppervine

Pink Garden Phlox, Licorice plant, and violet Lantana

Blackfoot Daisy, Blue Daze, and Violet Lantana

                                                 More Blue Daze and Peppevine. The yellow coreopsis offers a ray of hope.
One of my teacher friends at school made this card for me with her scrapbooking skills.
Isn't it nice to have friends that care?
My doctor says I can do SOME gardening, but no heavy lifting for awhile.
A tip of the trowel to my garden blog buddy NOELLE for the monthly linky for MONTHLY BOUQUET.
I love making these.
To see our small, but spunky group, go to
See you next time from hot, humid, Houston


  1. Yikes! Glad to hear you are on the "mend" and didn't do more damage!

  2. Take care with your back. Don't rush to garden too quickly......much better to wait.
    Hope you will soon be on the mend.

    Love the blue vases with the pretty blooms, they would be welcome in my house anytime.

  3. Hello David,

    Oh, I am so sorry about your back. I am thankful that it was not much worse. I hope you are able to return to heavy lifting soon ;-)

    Your bouquets are just lovely. I love the dark blue glass of your containers. I must try to find some for myself. I appreciate your participation in MGB these past few months.

  4. I'm so sorry about your ER visit! I recently had to make a trip too and it was expensive to say the least. I'll have to join that meme, as I have some bouquets that I haven't featured yet!

  5. Sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you're back on your feet again soon. Love the bouquets!

  6. So sorry to hear about your accident. Beautiful arrangements for your house.

  7. Isn't it so random when it all happens? And you think back....that seriously happened to me? I'm glad you are getting better....take it slow....I know how you're feeling as the garden is your thing...I've had to leave mine on several occassions and it's hard to do....I like your blues theme:)

  8. I didn't have to leave my garden but know exactly what's involved when the back gives way. About a year ago my husband spent 6 wks in bed and now he's running 3 miles again. Take it slow, David! The vases are lovely. Warm get-well wishes to you and your family.

  9. Ooo, an occupational hazard for gardeners, eh. Take care, take it slowly.

    So much to see on your blog and I look forward to trawling through as there are so many similarities in our climate. We're really into succulents now.

  10. Thanks for all the comments and well-wishers. I had a good report from the doctor today, but still can't do any shoveling or sweeping leaves off the roof. I'm about 40% recovered. Back injuries have a long recovery time, but I'm happy that the weather is finally COOL here!
    David & Melanie/ Tropical Texana/ Houston TX


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana