Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hey all! I just found out how to join in on Wildflower Wednesday the 4th Wed. of the month. Thanks to Gail at ClayandLimestone for sponsoring this. These shots come from our recent vacation in the Texas Hill Country. Sorry these are late, but wildflowers are always in season, right?
Butterfly Garden in Castroville, Texas
includes salvia and lantana (Lantana camara)

A mix of native and hardy cultivars will bloom all summer

Though mostly for butterflies, this colorful character was found among the foliage of our native Texas lantana.
I have another species Lantana montevidensis growing on a slope near the street.
A fast flying Mourning Cloak enjoys a yellow variety across the street.
As does this Giant Swallowtail.
I wish I could grow more of the native Lantana camara, but I have so much shade.
Thanks for visiting.  May wildflowers be in your summer forecast.


  1. I'm all caught up on your blog ... didn't realize you just started blogging in July! It's great to have another Houston area blogger. I've been looking for your Weed ID link but I'm not seeing it. ???

  2. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks for visiting. I love garden blogging and
    you're one of my inspirations. (You're on my favorites blog list at all times)
    Re the weed ID: I set it up that if you click on the picture of the weed book, it takes you to the website. It works most of the time.
    Try this as well:

    The two villains have many aliases, but for the record, their official names are:
    Phyllanthus urinaria & Phyllanthus tenellus
    The mean one is the urinaria. P. tenellus is about 1/10 as bad.
    David :-)

  3. Ooops,
    It left off the link. I'll try again:

  4. Welcome to's so much fun to share wildflowers with the blogasphere! I didn't know lantana was a TX native! Wowzer...I love blogging! gail

  5. Nice blog and thanks for stopping by my. I like the idea of wildflower day


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana