Thursday, August 5, 2010


About a year ago, during our DROUGHT 0f 2009, I decided that the two sunny beds in the front needed an overhaul. I hate spending extra money on water, and I only water when absolutely necessary.
So I put in a dry scape in one bed and a gravel garden in the other. This week it's paying off. I'm not watering daily, but weekly. In fact, the agaves are feeling perky and enjoying the sun tan. I'll have to start watering the rest of the garden just like before, but it's nice to pass by these beds and just smile.

Our PEACE Garden....easy on the eyes and easy on the water bill.


  1. Nice agaves! I'm trying to choose plants that are drought tolerant. Got some cuttings of Russian Sage, so I'm anxious to see how they fare. Do you order plants from High Country Gardens? They carry plenty of xeriscape plants.

  2. David & Melanie, the dry "peace" garden is beautiful, whatever the motivation!

  3. I like the looks of these alot! I am trying to keep my landscaping as natural as possible with native plants and things that do good in my environment.

  4. Denise...thanks for the thumbs means a lot to me.

    Thanks, Carol, for stopping by. Good luck on your native plants. You'll be pleased to see how alive your garden becomes with wildlife due to the native plants. I've not ordered from High Country, though I've heard they are fantastic. I've bought plants from our local Yucca Do Nursery (Giddings, TX) and been very pleased.
    However, you might be surprised to know that many of my agaves and other plants don't cost a dime. I've found a number of them piled up along the side of the road ready for trash pickup! Yikes!
    Also, many agaves give off pups and if you start driving around your town, look for people that have the plants you want. It takes a little courage, but most of the time, gardeners are thrilled that anyone would stop and show interest in their gardens (Danger Garden girl has a fun story about this on her bog). I always offer $5.00 for a pup or cutting, but most of the time people don't want the money.
    Also, our local Lowe's and Wal-mart had a wonderful selection of agaves and dryscape plants this year due mainly to our summer drought from last year and a shift to more native and less demanding plants. I paid about $10.00 for each, and these were until recently VERY rare to find except through mail order.
    Good luck hunting!
    David & Melanie :-)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana