Friday, August 13, 2010


I tried to make a REAL bottle tree this summer, but the squirrels jumped all over it and knocked the bottles off.
Then I put the bottles in the window in our sunroom, and our two cats started acting like rambuncious rhinos and broke one of the bottles. I've put the surviving bottles up on the playset. So far none have broken or fallen. BTW: I don't drink. I found the bottles on the side of the road. In fact, I found all the bottles so this is the ultimate gesture in recycling.

Now I find there's even a safer bottle tree around. And even my wife would approve.

This cute picture comes from a wonderful person named Ginger over in Alabama.
Her website is called...are you ready? Deep Fried Kudzu. com

Don't you love it already? If you are genetically drawn to homemade garden art, then GO VISIT!

If you visit her site, type in bottle tree in her search engine and you'll arrive at Wade Wharton's Art Environment in Huntsville, Alabama. Ginger has showcased this yard/art garden/wonderland in her August 5th, 2010 post. It defies anything you can imagine. I'm serious. I especially like his rake tree. Think I'll make one...uh... just joking.
Thanks to Ginger for allowing me to share her art and website.
For dessert, visit Pam over at Digging (her fantasitc garden is on my blog list) to view her bottle tree and cute garden owl (Hoot!). Maybe Pam, Ginger, and Wade Wharton should meet? And...I wonder if Wade makes owls?
Wowzer! :-)


  1. Hey, thanks for the kind words, David. I did visit Ginger's site and saw her post about the incredible garden art of Wade's creation. What fun! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I wonder if he makes owls? Hmm....:-) David


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana