Saturday, August 28, 2010

August Garden Bouquet ~ Tropical Heat

Monthly Garden Bouquet is a monthly meme (3rd week of the month) started by Noelle of AZ Plantlady fame. To view the complete collection, please visit her wonderful blog in my blog favorites...Ramblings From a Desert Garden.  There's a small, but beautiful collection of bouquets this month.
           My wife is starting to enjoy this monthly tradition. When I brought this one into the house, she just laughed and smiled. She already knew what I was going to say....Happy August! No other special occasion needed.
I really have 2 bouquets to post, mine and a friend.
She's a veteran gardener and great friend, but she won't reveal her age or how long she's been gardening! :-)
Red flowers~ Mexican fire spike, along with some yellow coreospsis and white black foot daisies.
The greenery includes cast iron plant, greenbriar (real greenbriar lol), and two types of bauhinias.

This garden bouquet is from my friend Helena L. in Danevang, Texas.
She lives on a farm there and we were out for a visit. I kept admiring the flowers and then it dawned on me; how can you have daylilies in August here in South Texas? I couldn't believe it.
These are a very old cultivar that blooms most of the summer.
The electrical cord is going to her pump house.


  1. What a lovely idea. Happy August.....I must show my husband this!!!

    The daylillies are lovely, such an intense colour.
    I prefer the old varieties personally......their simplicity always appeal to me.

  2. Hey Cheryl,
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm so used to thinking everyone knows everyone else in garden blog land that I forgot to mention the other bouquets in the collection. They are all over at Noelle's blog Ramblings From a Desert Garden. Scroll down a bit to find them (and don't be thrown off by the broccoli!), she's a fast poster! :-)
    Now your husband is REALLY in trouble. ha ha
    David/ Tropical Texana

  3. Such lovely bouquets ... each has it's own charm. I do so like the combination of the Fire Spike bloom and the Coreopsis ... great colours! The lilies are just wonderful ... love those old-fashioned varieties.

  4. Hiya,
    That is indeed a nice tradition.
    And a lovely posy.
    BTW, the yellow flowers in the first picture, is that Jamaican Primrose? Which I have only just discovered this summer and it looks lovely in containers. I've already forgotten its formal name.
    Enjoy your blogging.

  5. Hello David,

    What beautiful bouquets! I recognized the Coreopsis right away and I do love Blackfoot Daisy. I am not familiar with Mexican Firespike, but I would love to have some in my garden.

    Helena's bouquet is stunning with it's bright orange color.

    Thank you so much for participating and not just submitting one bouquet, but two :-)


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana