Sunday, July 25, 2010


This is my third year to use a REEL mower. When I mow, it is quiet enough to hear the birds singing. Plus, it really isn't any harder to push than my other mowers. I hate the smell of gasoline (the red thing is empty), and I was getting tired of the cord on my last two electric mowers. It was a bit of trouble to even describe over the phone what kind of mower I wanted. I had heard that one place in Houston carried ACE hardware store on Ailrine Drive. Sure enough, the guy was able to order one from OHIO that arrived in a week. These new models have precision blades and are lightweight. I remember my Grandpa had two made of cast iron and they were the dickens to push. He also had an acre of land and two gas mowers.
During today's mow, I had to move a log and saw a swift jump in the bushes. One of the green anoles had found moth on today's menu, so I grabbed my camera. I would have missed all this with the noise of a gas mower. Reward enough here at Tropical Texana.
Nothing like a good moth!


  1. Oh I agree! A good moth for lunch...wait, that's not what I wanted to agree with. The mower! A reel mower is all I've ever used and I love them. Yours looks very nice.

  2. Awesome! Love the lawnmower. Honestly, that is my dream mower - has been for a long time, but I don't have a grass yard, so no need for one yet. Great blog!

  3. Hi Danger,
    It's cool to find another that uses a reel mower. Once you start, it's hard to imagine going back to the old way, don't you agree. Thanks for visiting! David
    Hi Karis,
    So glad you stopped by!!! yea! Don't worry about not having grass. You can always come down to Texas and I'll let you take a spin around my yard with this one. :-)
    D & M & the boys

  4. David, after seeing it at the Garden Writers' convention last fall and hearing Carol of May Dreams rave about the one Fiskars sent her to trial, I bought a Fiskars Momentum mower at Lowe's. The Executive Producer really enjoys using it ... it helps that we have fairly small patches of lawn!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana