Friday, July 16, 2010

July Bloom Day at Tropical Texana

Bauhinia aculeata (?) White Orchid Tree ~ Blooms All Summer
I'm new at this garden blog stuff, so here's my first Garden Blog Bloom Day . The wonderful person who thought of this idea is Carol over at May Dreams Gardens. I'm one day late, but here goes:

Our wisteria vine blooms every Spring, but decided to put on an encore.

The tough as nails Evolvulus 'Blue Daze' blooms by the front street.

This little Florida purslane was found growing wild in some sandy soil when we went blueberry picking. The owner said take all you want. It loves the hottest, sandy soil in the garden.

This pass along Garden Phlox is from my friend Pat one street over.
It almost died out, but is now growing in shade. Butterflies love this plant.

This native crossvine attracts hummingbirds.

Not all the color at this time of the year is from flowers. The American elderberries are ripening and are favored by Mockingbirds. But, yesterday I saw a woodpecker on the bush having a snack.
I planted this Caesalpinia pulcherrima many years ago in my neighbor's garden. It died back to the ground last winter, but can revive and bloom in one season.

Turk's cap is another Texas native in the hibiscus family.

The Crown of Thorns blooms all summer and the tropical bromeliads stay colorful even when not in bloom. The white flower is an althea. The purple liriope and Virginia Creeper weave their own patterns.
Go to May Dreams Gardens and you'll be dazzled by the other gardens. Here at Tropical Texana, I'm  mostly gardening in the deep shade of large trees, so flowers are a special treat.
I'm 'berry' glad you stopped by!
Sabal minor~ a native Texas ground palm


  1. I admire you for having blooms in the hot, shade of Texas. No easy feat, from what I hear. Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  2. Wow, I'm impressed your Pride of Barbados is already blooming. Mine died to the ground last winter, but seedlings emerged last month. Not sure if I'll get blooms or not.

  3. Hi!
    The seedlings are fun to grow and the foliage is terrific. Give them winter protection the first year, then they should really take off the second year. They'll probably defoliate, but they won't be dead.
    David :-) Tropical Texana

  4. I wish I have my own elderberry plant... Just went to the wellness shop to get elderberry extract for my kids and learned that they were out of stock!


I always appreciate your comments & questions! Happy Gardening from David/ Tropical Texana